Lyons Pride
Modern Pet Training Serving Bucks and Montgomery Counties
We believe training starts with understanding your dog and how they learn. We understand each dog and person are individuals who learn differently and work with everyone to better communicate together to learn new things, whether that’s a new cue or how to pick a more desirable behavior. We teach anything from basic to advanced cues and specialize in dog to human reactivity, dog to dog reactivity and separation anxiety using force free and fear free methods.
New Pup Courses
These courses are more than just learning basic cues. We teach you the foundations of how your dog learns, how to read your dog to better understand them and help you build a good bond with your dog. Courses can also be built around what you and your dog's training goals are.
Basic Training Courses
These courses are great for any new dog or puppy of any age who isn't displaying unwanted behavior. Great as a refresher for experienced dog owners or the first time dog owner. We walk you through everything from the ground up about how your dog thinks, learns and communicates with you.
Rambunctious Pup Courses
These courses cover everything you need to know to work through behaviors like jumping, mouthing, lack of manners, lack of self control, door darting, overly social greetings and high arousal.
Reactivity Desensitization Courses
We can help your dog work through the emotions which cause them to react towards people, other dogs, bikes, cars or anything else that is causing them stress and an outward reaction towards the stimuli without the use of force or punishment.
Extreme Behavior Desensitization Courses
Has your dog already bitten or do you feel it's a matter of time before there's an incident? Do you have a dog who is completely shutdown and unable move freely around the house? Has your dog been prescribed anxiety medication and now it's time to start desensitization? We can help.
Pet Sitting Services
Looking to go away or need someone to walk your dog when you’re at work? We offer pet sitting and dog walking services for parts of Bucks and Montgomery Counties.
We're a small business, to talk directly to one of our trainers please set up an appointment by clicking Book Now.